Saturday, April 27, 2024

Blog Post #9

 The Progressive Era

  The Progressive Era: Crash Course US ...  

    To be "anti-war", it implies that you disagree or oppose of the any action, usually by the government on going forward with efforts that lead to war with another country. Anyone who is anti-war view war as unacceptable to society. All of these media posts on websites with strong anti-war voices are usually obscured from the mainstream media news because authorities or the government want to keep peace within the country. Although that can seem very "messed up" to people as it's concealing their right to their freedom of speech, some people would rather this as it lessens violence in the specific country. For example, there can be protests, sometimes violence included in those protests, and it's something that the government would prefer not to deal with. The idea of war also scares many people, because no one really wants to be involved with war with all the damages it causes, both politically and economically. This is why anti-war voices are cast away because the government does not want those voices to persuade more anti-war people. Along with the idea of scaring the public, this is important to touch on because this can cause serious panics or worries within people. Voices Against War: A ...    In addition, anti-war voices are also merely just opinions on news of war, most of the time the anti-war voices are not news, which is another reason why most of the websites on anti-war are not directly mainstreamed on news channels. Going along with the idea of opinions, the anti-war voices are human beings making these comments, which means anyone can make any comment they'd like on anything they'd like, whether they're right or wrong. Therefore, some anti-war voices can be spreading completely false information, which is something the government would prefer not to reach as much audiences.

   Some Americans were right all along on ...

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Blog Post #11

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