Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Blog Post #4

 Privacy, Online & Off

    The issues of privacy invasion can really affect us humans as it can change the way we do certain things. Invasion of our privacy not only affects individuals but it affects the way we function in society. Knowing that other people are invading our privacy leads to us feeling a lack of security, which will lead to human beings living in a world with constant doubt. Christopher Soghoian mentioned how there could be someone listening to our phone call with our parents, siblings, friends, doctor, etc. This creates fear within people and can decrease the usage of phone calls, texts, etc. Living in a society with constant fears is not ideal and this can really affect one's mental health as the idea of being followed messes with our head. The TED talk that explained the cameras being hidden on the police cars, showed us how much we as humans don't know. Although the cameras were first used to help police officers with finding the "bad doings", they now use it even for good doings, which is scary as she mentioned how it tracked where Mike was, who was with him in his car, what time him and his daughters left the car in their own driveway. Knowing that the government has all of this information is scary and it makes us feel insecure anywhere we go, even our homes, which is sad because our home should make us feel safe. We can't go about our daily lives without being tracked by some sort of technology, which is important to recognize as it can cause changes in the way we function in society. 

    An invasion of privacy can affect our friends and family as well since it leads to a decrease in trust within relationships. One of the key factors of maintaining a good, healthy relationship is building trust. Without trust, there wouldn't really be a relationship in the first place. Losing trust within others is very important as trust is one of the foundations for a good society. Businesses also factor into the increase of invasions within our privacies as they are composed of individuals. People are operating businesses and losing trust within an individual can also lead to a loss of relationship. Making others feel as if they're not secure, can really make or break one's decision to do something. In this case, if a client gets caught for secretly recording their conversation with the brand manager of a company, this can result in an end to the relationship as the invasion of privacy resulted in a loss of trust between two parties. 

    Instead of collecting data, pictures, and information on everything we do, the government should be creating a safe and secure environment for individuals in society. The use of specific high-tech devices to track data and send information to the government, is technically "abuse" of our privacies. With the tech companies creating default options for tracking data, governments believe that they should be able to see all types of communications including emails, texts, calls, FaceTime as they believe they can create a safer environment for individuals by stopping the risk of hackers, criminals, etc. 

    To decrease the invasion of privacies, Catherine Crump states that we can be governed by city counsels to pass laws and require certain places to dispose these data-tracking technology. While there are reasons for these data-tracking technologies and devices, we can pass laws that inform departments to use them for legitimate reasons such as tracking a criminal, instead of using them on innocent civilians. This strategy can increase security within people and society in general. But Christopher Soghoian believes that we should use these incryptid devices that we already have such as texts, call, or FaceTime as it can build a more secure society for us, even if it means that in the future it will make finding the "bad guys" harder for the police, or if it will make wire topping more difficult. Although it will increase the findings of certain things, the alternative will be better for society as a whole.

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